Select Verizon customers may have received a surprise email this week. An opportunity to get a refund, as part of a $100 million settlement proposed from a lawsuit. We explain below How to claim your cut of a $100 million Verizon settlement.
Claimants who are “current or ex–consumer account holders” in the United States will be eligible to receive a portion of the $100,000,000 settlement. The settlement website stated that the charges were for those who had received Verizon postpaid wireless services or data and who paid administrative charges and/or administrative and telco recovery charges between January 1, 2016, and November 8, 2023.
Parties affected must submit their claim no later than 15 April. You can choose between two options: either online or by mail.
Verizon denied the claims in a press release, saying that it “clearly identifies and describes its wireless consumer admin charge multiple times during the sales transaction, as well as in its marketing, contracts and billing.”
According to a spokesperson for the company, this charge “helps our company recover certain regulatory compliance and network related costs.”
How to Apply
To apply, you have to visit this website. it will ask you to fill in a form that includes the Verizon account number and the option of receiving the money via Venmo, bank wire, or check.
The website stated that customers who do not file a claim will “give up any rights you may have” to sue Verizon over the issues raised in the lawsuit.
The payout is $15, but it could be higher depending on the length of time the customer has used Verizon as well as the number who have filed a claim.
Only customers who have had postpaid wireless plans or accounts from January 1, 2016, to November 8, 2020, are eligible.